Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Hit Myself

We had a barbecue this past Sunday. The boys were outside playing. My mom comes inside carrying a crying Owen with a big goose egg on his head. He was screaming too loud to ask what happened. He was also fighting against the ice for his head. Jay came in and looked really sad for Owen. My partner's mom says that he is supposed to be apologizing for hitting Owen. She asked him what happened and Jay said he hit Owen. When asked with what, he produced a broken plastic rake. Jay was told that hitting his brother was wrong. Owen was still screaming about not wanting ice. Jay asked for ice for his head because he had a "boo-boo" too. He wasn't hurt. Rather than believe that he was just attention seeking, I choose to believe that he was trying to get Owen to take the ice by acting like he wanted it. They are very competitive. Right away, Owen asked me to put the ice on his head. Finally he stopped crying and as I was holding the ice on his head, he says, "Mommy, Jay Jay didn't hit me. I hit myself." I asked him with what and he said a rock. He threw it up in the air and looked up to watch it come down on his forehead.

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