Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Jay asked for Aqua Sand and Owen asked for Moon Dough

To Grow a Beard...

Owen + Magic Marker

If You Don't Have Pockets

Two flashlights, two toy guns, a walkie talkie, and one Owen

Toy Story

Woody and Owen

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The boys trick-or-treated for over an hour and a half this year. They had so much candy in their buckets they gave up carrying them because they were too heavy. I got stuck carrying them. I kept asking the boys if they were ready to go home yet but Owen informed me that you are supposed to trick-or-treat until it is dark, "That's how it's done, mommy."

In our town, trick-or-treating is done the night before Halloween because on Halloween night they host a parade downtown. Halloween morning, I found Owen outside taking down the lights and decorations. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm helping you mommy. Halloween is over." I explained to him that it was Halloween and I wanted to turn on the lights one last time that night. Later that night Owen asked to go trick-or-treating. I told him that he went the night before and he said, "But Mommy, you said it was Halloween."